Entries from 2017-03-01 to 1 month

Giày Nike chính hãng Made in Vietnam

Hôm trước có khách hàng đặt cho mình một câu hỏi rất là.....gì đó mà mình không diễn tả bằng lời đc, họ hỏi mình là "giày Nike chính hãng này made in Viet Nam sao các em lại nói là nhập khẩu từ Mỹ?" Thật sự thì không thể trách khách hàng đ…

Keep up with LunarGlide 8

LunarGlide 8 has beesn released for a period of time and this update made impression. Why don't you try on one? I think you will fall in it immediately, honestly, not mention to its sleek appearance. http://myshoes.vn/giay-nike-lunarglide-…

Nike keeps on releasing new items

Nike with its fame is strengthened and that's why Nike constantly upates a large number of new items recently. Let me list out below for you. http://myshoes.vn/giay-nike/giay-nike-sb-check-canvas-nam-den-trang.html http://myshoes.vn/giay-n…

Nike and adidas stuffs again

Actually I don't understand why my main keywords "giày adidas" and "giày Nike" have no change in their positions. It seems to be very hard to reach the top 1 again. Last time, I spent 2 months, I dont' know, this time how longs will I have…

Newly updated shoes

Hi guys, I am here to show you some of new shoes updated yesterday. Most of them are Nike shoes which are newly released, including Nike Air Max 2017 and some runners.Besides that, Lacoste can't be short this time, and they all are magnifi…

A long week start

Well, hello again, it has been a long time no write here. Just because I am focusing on exploring new domains for some my new colleages to do their job. I don't know, how to say, my keywords have no signal to show the positive outcomes. In…