Adidas Shoes for men

Adidas is a famous brand so of course they produces shoes for both men and wonen. I will talk about women's pair later, I want to focus on men's shoes first today. Click: giày adidas nam. adidas is a fashionable brand so men's designs comp…

Giày Nike chính hãng - là một website thương mại điện tử mà đặc biệt đem đến cho bạn những đôi giày thể thao chính hãng có xuất xứ từ Mỹ, hàng nhập khẩu 100% chính hãng. Giày Nike chính hãng là một mặt hàng kinh doanh ngay từ những ngày đầu…

Asics - Vua giày chạy bộ

Một thương hiệu vô cùng nổi tiếng trong làng giày chạy bộ, chính là Asics. Asics có xuất xứ từ xứ sở hóa anh đào, Nhật Bản, có lịch sử với những mẫu giày bóng rổ và bóng chuyền, nhưng làm nên tên tuổi cho hãng này phải kể đến những mẫu già…

What do you have for lunch?

Hi guys, It's nearly and I am about to take a break for my lunch then I will come back my workplace at 2 p.m. I feel sleepy now although I went to bed quite early and my sleep was not so bad. So, what do you have for lunch today? I t…

Let me know what do you think about my photos.

I have just uploaded some photos of Reebok shoes which I call "Giày reebok chính hãng". I know this brand is very famous in your country, am I wrong? I can see the design of them are all very strong and make us desire to own a pair. But as…

Reebok - A Brand you may get familiar

You are Japanese and I guess most of you know about them. So can you tell me more about these models in the potos below?…

Lacoste - New items at Myshoes

Hey there, long time no see guys, There is a storm in my country. What is weather like in your country now? In my city, it's raining. This morning I went to work without my umbrella, this afternoon, I did so I feel better. Well, my boss ha…

Get angry in the morning doesn't make your day

This morning, I wanted to sleep more but I could not, It made me a little bit angry. I am very tired but I still had to go to work. But then, one of my old colleagues called me and told me that she would give me many cakes. Well, really ma…

What you should know about Supernova Sequence Boost 8

Hey there, First of all, good morning guys, wish you have a nice morning, everything is going well. Mentioned in my title, have you ever heard the name Supernova Sequence Boost 8? If you have not, I am here to show you. Well, it is a produ…

Tuesday again!

Hi guys, I am here with you on Tuesday again. Well, on this day of week, I remember I often tell you about adidas shoes, right? I told you much about matters related to this brand. Well, I will explain the reason why I love adidas shoes. F…

Start a new week

Good morning guys, I am back after a lazy weekend. Last friday, I wrote and uploaded 2 articles here but no backlink replied from this blog. I completely did not know why. I hope this which I am writing now will give me a link as usual. La…

Friday - Relax day

Well, today is friday so tomorrow is weekend. Do you feel exciting? I do. I am thinking about I will be sleeping at 8 a.m without alarm. It is amazing. I am a student, I like getting up late, I like sleeping. In future I have to go to work…

I am about to have a break

Well, it is 11.50 a.m and I will leave my office at 12.00 p.m. I feel hungry now. I am thinking about what I would have for my lunch today. I am too lazy to go to the market, buy food and then cook. It takes a lot of time to do all of that…

11/8/16 - Adidas

As I said before, I am a fan of adidas and a pair of stan smith is what I want now. I just hope I can buy it for myself in coming years when I have a stable job with high salary. The price of it is more than 2 million. It is more than the …

This noon was bad to me...

Good afternoon guys, In fact, I got headache, I took some pill before going to work, I hope my headache will get better. My pain in neck is still not reduced, I think it needs some massage and tonight I will. This morning, my boss was away…

10/8 morning

This morning I woke up late although I went to bed earlier than ussual. I also feel a pain in my neck. Oh my god, I can't imagine how I slept last night, now I can not look around naturally because of my neck. Despite the pain, I want to w…

Adidas - Brand from Germany

Adidas has been established for nearly 60 years by Adolf Dassler. Nowadays, adidas has been known as a brand which is not only about shoes but sportwear. Their staffs are always creative, they try to find out something different from other…

9/8/16 - Good morning!

Good morning all, I hope you all have a good sleep and nice dreams last night. Today, I got up earlier because of noise from my neighbor, I could not sleep well anymore then I woke up before the alarm rang. So I feel a little bit sleepy no…

Long time no write

Good afternoon everyones, Last friday, I went home and had a haapy weekend with my family, so I haven't written anything from that day. But, I came back to work and I'm here now. Nice to see you again after quite a long time. So, What did …

Adidas Boost - High tech shoes…

4/8 shoes introduction the shoes above with the name adistar Boost ESM is famous for the outsole which is designed with Boost sole. This is a running shoes for women, colorway is deep blue, very impres…

Available running shoes at

New running shoes have arrived at's store. We discount up to 40% so hurry up! There are more Nike (giày nike chính hãng) than adidas. Take a quick look below.…

2/8 Shoes

Looking for a pair of shoes

Only God knows, How do I want to own a pair of Stan Smith. But for me, it's too expensive to buy. My monthly salary is not much,just enough for me to buy food and basic things I need but shoes with the price up to 3 million. Once, I went a…

What about adidas?

Good morning guys, it's still me, haha. I appear here again after just a minute because I think you might wonder why did I always write about Nike shoes in previous posts. So what about adidas shoes? Well, just like Nike, adidas is a brand…

Authentic Shoes - Nike Shoes

Hello, I'm back. Today, I'm very happy to introduce to you a model, well, it's a pair of running shoes. [f: id: myshoesvn: 20160801094731j: hình ảnh] You can see above, its name is Nike Free 5.0 for women. Nike Free 5.0 provides a stable c…

Amazing Nike Shoes

I am not a fan of Nike Brand but today I wonder that I might rethink about it. Nike is also a famous brand about not only shoes but also sportwear. Today, I got impressed on their shoes, especially their running shoes. My story began when …

New shoes for Tue

Today, I and my friend will go to the shoe store to buy couple shoes. I am very exciting and can't wait anymore. But in fact, I have to wait about 2 and half hour because my friend is on the way to come to my place. The shoes I intend to b…