How to get out of feeling sleepy

Since yeaterday, my body has been lack of sleep and it is terrible. This morning I got up later than other days and I rushed to workplace, fortunately, near my school and I have to take only 5 minutes to get there.
This morning I helped to train a new colleage about SEO and how to get quality backlinks from forums. I hope she can bring new positive outcomes for our company. She has good writing skill. Oh my god, it reminds me to write my mid-term essay because I will have to submit on Friday. oh my god, so stress.
Anyway, work hard play hard. I will try all my best. yeah.
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One more thing, my colleage is doing Seo work for our Puma.
My keywords "giày thể thao nam" and "giày thể thao nữ" are going down and I don't know why. Maybe it takes time before a good result.