New week is closely coming

Actually, when writing this topic, it's monday already and I am woring at my workplace. But I have to say that I have started my new week in a bad way. being tired at early morning that I could wake up, then some shock news has arrived, then I relized I will have a meeting this morning with some other stuff.
Everything is seemed to drive my morning crazy just in a minute. Consequently, now I am gonna stressful a little bit, just in a morning of the begining of the week.
However, I know I have to calm down, I can handle all of this mess with all my best. every good thing starts badly, I'm sure. So I will keep my chin up.
By the way, my keywords is not better than last week, I have to work hard this week, I have 20 days left for the Top 1. Vote for me, for my keyword "giay nike", "giay adidas" also.