Bad mood at the beginning of the day

I have the feeling today will not be a good day to me. Let me tell you how it is.
This morning, I woke up at 7.30, I still felt sleepy, but I knew I had to get up to prepare for a new working day. I turned on data on my phone then took a look to Newsfeed on FB in which my friend had posted a new status, an angry status. I had the feeling that she was pointing at me which made me anxious.
One more thing, my boyfriend did not answer my message last night I sent to him. Ok, fine, I will think that he agree. It's enough for me.
Well, finally, about my Seo outcome, there are many different results, when I search "giày nike" in different browsers, the results are not similar.
But one result is sure that my keyword "giày adidas chính hãng" has decreased dramatically. So disappointed.
Good luck me, dear!