Another bad morning

Good afternoon all my friend in Hatena.
It is afternoon now in my country, I am at work with my boss, he is busy working and I am writing this because this is a tiny part of my work today.
Okay, I will tell you about what happened this morning to me. It's not good at all.
Take time to check:
Yesterday I broke up with my boyfriend, yeah, so sad, I couldn't believe that. Last night I went out with my friends but I felt pretty upset. I cried before falling into sleep. And, guess what. This morning I woke up and my eyes swelled. I rushed to drug store, it cost 25.000 vnd.
One more thing, I paid other 200.000 vnd for my teeth because of a stupid mistake.
Final thing, this morning's class was off. Damn it.
All of those thing ruined my morning.
I have just checked my keyword for "giày Lacoste chính hãng". It is still low, so low.